Monday, February 25, 2008

Visa IPO

If you want to play Visa's IPO (initial public offering) There are a number of ways. If you are one of the fortunate to get shares before going public hang on to those shares and sell some covered calls. You will want to sell calls far enough away (month) and far enough high (strike price) that the shares will not get hit and called away.
If you are one of the masses that does not have the inside to participate in the offering but would like to own the share, selling puts is a nice way. You can take assignment and own the share for less cost. Now mind you options wont be trading on these for awhile yet. Market makers need to know at what price to set strikes etc. which will not be establish until trading starts. Once the share price has been established, you could also do some calendars. Just some ideas to think about.
On another note, we are supposed to get some fundamental news out today. Anyone that knows me knows that I do not pay much attention to these things. Yes I am a fundamental trader, but numbers are easy to message. Enron says it all.

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