Monday, November 24, 2008


Here we go again....

This time it will be different. This time 300 billion will just be right.

This is what you get from central planning. You cannot know as much as Mr. Market does. Never! So why do we pretend to send supposedly smart people to DC. and Wall Street expecting to outwit Mr. Market. Dynamic markets are far to complicated for one man or even many men to understand. Let the market do it's thing. the alternative is outright socialism.

I noticed an "End the Fed" rally in my area. Why after the facts did I see this. If I had known, I would have been there. (there was no lack of publicity for a rally against prop 8 in cal that for one has nothing to do with my state and 2 prop 8 will be over turn by a power hungry judge system in cal. but that is another subject) It is about time folks started to wise up about these crooks. Talk about organized crime...I understand Ron Paul has some bills flying around to abolish the Reserve act and other assorted bills. I don't take political sides as most of you know I feel both parties are as corrupt as the mob, however in the case of the reserves being abolished, I don't care who does it, just do it. Google Ron Paul and maybe even get on his email list.

Until we get rid of the reserve, plan on more gimmicks, like the devaluation that is coming and our currency backed by a world currency. That would make gold go out of sight.

In the event of a devaluation, creditors get hammered.

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