Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Global Currency

Here it is...And all the players are lining up.

Those of you on fixed incomes with bonds, annuities etc had better pay attention. The central planners have already figured the only way to pay for this experiment is to devalue all of this debt (which is bonds etc)

It did not help that the auction today was soft. Seems the world is getting tired of our debt.

Here comes the devalue. Better take care.


Anonymous said...

How will the market react with the devalue if it does happen?

Dell said...

Tangibles will shoot to the moon as the only true value store. Stocks just may go up.

Debt (bonds) will get hit hard as well.

The euro will get broken up.

Not good unless you own oil and gold....

Anonymous said...

The interest rate behind the euro is still high compared to USD. I still believe investors will flock to it instead of the USD.
If the euro goes up, so does the price of oil. Euro is the defacto currency (unofficially actually) for the oil.
The prices for oil are set in USD, but as it fluvtuates against the euro, oil goes up as the euro strengthens.
Many Middle Eastern countries prefer the euro for selling their oil anyway.
The USD just stands in their way.