Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The idea behind more profits is to get on board a train before all the other passengers. This give you the best seat to watch and the easiest exit.

Japan has been dead (investment wise) for 20 plus years. Now would probsbly be a good time to go long Japan inc. EWJ is extremely inexpensive. A good diagonal on this would be a decent play. You can buy out to '12 10 call for 1.40 or so. This give you 2 years to sell calls on it. After today drop, it should make for a good buy. Then if you want to extract the most from this long term bull trend, sell close month calls avery time a rally happens, then buy back or roll out each time the inevitable correction comes.

This should be an easy play to beat the measly returns most are getting now.

Also since the treasury basically gave un told resources to Fanni mae, FNM selling puts is another one on the radar. However it is not giving too muvh in premiums right now.

Just some thoughts


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Chryst,

(I don't expect you to post this comment -- it's just for you.)

I read your newsletter and I've noticed that in every issue you have multiple writing errors, either in grammar, spelling, or word usage (like 'to' rather than 'too'), or all of the above.

While you may not think it's important, your writing is your image, and it either makes you look educated and informed, or not. Frankly, your poor writing (or poor editing) leads me to not take you very seriously.

May I suggest you take a few more minutes proofreading before you publish, or hire someone who can do it for you.


Dell said...

Since the newsletter is by email only, let me know and I will gladly take you off the list.

Would you rather me be the suit, high living huckster?

Take the thoughts as they are or go away. Sorry but since when is substance less than appearance....

If you find merit good if not go away. I do not have time to play petty games.