Monday, March 24, 2008

The blog

Over the course of the last few weeks, many have commented on the color of the blog. Usually I get "pink?". Yes it was intended to be pink, but then maybe it should not be. I was accused at one time of being of the female persuasion when I visited a commodity chat site several years ago. A few there had bets on that so when my wife and I showed up at a Vegas get together it was realized I was not. I digress here.

Well I thought maybe we could vote on this. So what color would be best? Let me know and we can change it. I thought pink was soothing and would make everyone pay more attention to the content. But hey I am open to ideas here. This is your blog and if certain links you would like or whatever let me know.

Back to the market. You are going to see many so called pundits come out about the end of the commodities bull run. While I cannot see the future, past history tells me that a flooding of fiat currency onto the markets is inflationary. Inflation makes "things" go up. Therefore "things" will rise.

This past week if anyone paid attention was the largest push of money into the market in the feds existence. Not only are they bailing out companies that should go out of business, they are accepting toxic mortgages as collateral for treasuries. Now I wrote about this a few days back how the magic would turn these toxic loans into good treasuries for the earnings reports and look what happened last week.

When the 28 days are over, will these toxic loans be back on the books of the investment bankers? We are witnessing a bounce in the bank sector, fine we were hoping for this. Will it continue? Who knows how long the propping can go. But for now we will position ourselves for the same old boring "buy "natural resources sell the dollar" These dips just make better opportunities.

Side note here, I use Optionsxpress and Saturday I got assigned my FXY sold option so they immediately sold my long option. For a net gain on the spread. Just thought I would mention this since many get scared at ex date. What was happening was that this was a 1 point spread but never traded the full one point. I let it reach ex date to get the full spread value.

I could not agree with this assessment more. It is about time real media spoke out. Just my political jab. See it here

Once again If you would like some features on this site let me know.


Anonymous said...

I see you get up early.

It is your blog leave it any color you want. If people think you are a little strange well that is their problem. As long as I can read the color does not matter.


Anonymous said...

Pink is good for me, but then I'm a girl. I placed some GDX credit spreads this morning! Debbie

PS, I can't thank you enough for your blog. Since they won't let you do any more chat sessions.

Dell said...

To both comments, I like the thanks. Anyways I tried many times unsuccessfully to continue the chat sessions to no avail. So we have the blog. Hope it helps everyone. I do not have all the answers and what I do know is not much, but I try to help.

p.s. sometimes the early bird catches the worm.

Anonymous said...

Pink is just fine.

Somebody said that you are doing "other things" and that is the reason you can't do the chat session anymore. I know what that means.
Thank you for the blog.

Anonymous said...

is this a buying opp on gold leaps? i got a nice calendar on you have an upside target?
what do you think of bull puts with no stops; i noticed a lot of times the top of the spread is 'touched' but bounces. if i use stops i lose the spread.
thanks. you keep the blog any color you want.. you are Dell and you rock!

Dell said...

All the news I hear about EWT is that the new Gov. will have better ties with mainland. That is good for them.
Gold as you know is one that I like for the simple fact that the feds are determined to spend us out of this mess. This only makes gold more attractive. Wild swings will be the norm so take caution when entering your positions.