Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Follow up on GDX

Since most reading my rantings are wanting to learn I felt this interesting to post.

I posted about not getting any premium for GDX since it was so far into the money. I posted about how to unwind the trade. I posted that I could not get more than 40 cents to roll therefore it was not worth the trade.

Well I left my GTC of .85 and guess what? Today it filled. Just 2 1/2 days before ex date and it filled. But guess what? I could have rolled for maybe 1.00 go figure.

Such is the life of a trader. Hopefully many will gain insight by reading actual things going on and not some theory.

Stay tuned as the saga continues


Anonymous said...

What do you think of a calendar on the shy with decreasing interest rates?

Dell said...

That is an interesting comment. Normally I would agree with that assessment. Short term rates are due for more rate cuts. Making the prices go up. Longer term bonds do not have the trader so convinced.