Friday, June 19, 2009

Financial overseer

If Obama gets his way, the federal reserve will be the watch dog over "all' financial transactions.

For those new to this blog, I blasted Bush as well. So this is not a party thing. I have repeatedly said both parties are corrupt.

This Federal reserve is not even elected. It meets in secret, no press in their meetings, they are appointed...I can go on and on.

We are witnessing the end of the greatest economy ever in the history of mankind. Those seeking power grabs will not stop at just this.

So why the spouting on this blog?? Because it will effect your entire future.

I am beginning to agree with Rogers. Move to Asia (Singapore I think) While masking as communism, they are more capitalistic than we are.

From your retirement accounts to your jobs, we are falling off a cliff here. Better be well prepared. It is going to jolt the masses and you need to be ready. You need to get your house in order.


Anonymous said...

What about moving to South American? I believe that would be better than Asia.

Dell said...

Brazil sound good. they have really taken cvare of their problems. Much like we used to.