Monday, March 31, 2008

Federal Reserve

I just have to chime in with my two cents here folks.

I dislike the feds and everything they stand for. I dislike how they were created and what their function is.
They cause problems by sticking their greedy hands into the arena and then plead for tax payers to bail out any mistakes.
I have never seen them give any profits to the taxpayers always the bailout.

Now we are witnessing the gov. succumding to more fed powers to control more. As usual they cause the problem and then rush for tighter regulations. Does anyone really think that Mr. bubbles (Greenspan) artificially dropping interest rates could not have foreseen the equity bubble? I mean really it was textbook economics. Now we have scare going around and how to solve the problem. As I see it, there is no problem. Greedy banks got caught now they want a bailout. Greedy home owners buying more than they could really afford want a bailout. Who is going to bail them out? Taxpayers that will have assets to bail them out. I say let them lose everything and we as traders will scoop up the ruins for pennies on the dollar.

I try not to get political but you have to. You need to understand what is really going on. A companies quarterly filings will never tell you the truth. Anyone that trades off this is asking for losses. If you dont believe it, just go back 8 years to Enron, Qwest, et al.

Now the same holds true for the gov, they will not tell you the truth. Sorry if this upsets anyone but the reality is they have an agenda just as a company does and they will massage the numbers to make their agenda look rosey. Just 8 months ago we were assured that the subprime would be contained. If you beleived that you are hurting right now. If you believed as I did it was more lies, you have profited handsomely.

Politicians are not about to let the fed go, why? Because they can spend without you knowing it. If you had to pay 100% taxes you would revolt. By the slight of hand, they tax future generations with debt loads they will never be able to repay. That is the truth. The honest blunt truth. Now go out there and trade off of this.

Election time and I see only one candidate that unsderstands this. The rest talk as if this glorious feds will save the American citizen when in reality the feds are just burdening the American citizen with debts he cannot repay.

I will step down off my soap box now, but seriously folks if you want to make serious money, you need to get rid of your college educated ideas about the feds and realize exactly what they are. Knowing this you can make some great trades.

Long natural resources (even better now with the correction under way) short the dollar. Same old mantra until the feds tip their hand of what they will do next.


Anonymous said...

I've still been trading emerging markets, are you?

Dell said...

The emerging markets will be the wildest. running up the most and sellingoff the most. Right now caution is needed to trade these. Once the bottom is hit, they will run much faster than our markets. The question is where is the bottom.
I dont like bottom fishing. I will wait for the bear market to finish and grap hold of the emerging markets.