Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Food shortages

The news is full of stories about the price of food rising all over the globe. Shortages and hording and speculating are all taking their toll on pricing.

The ETF "DBA" among others is a good way to be on the right side of this situation.
It looks to be longer than most had expected. If you are good at short term swings then by all means trade this that way. If you are like me and can spot a long trend but get whipsawed on every turn, then you may want to consider diagonal spreads.

CA real estate continues to look terrible. Many times I am asked are we at the bottom. To this I reply, the rise in inflated bubbles is usually followed by the same deflation. I other words this speculative bubble started in 2002 and peaked in 2006 so we should have another 2 years to go. Just one persons opinion.


Anonymous said...

Glad you were able to come back Dell, Debbie

Dell said...

Good to be back.
Enjoy the blog and hoefully it will continue to serve.