Thursday, June 5, 2008

Interesting play

If anyone is a fan of India's growth potential, here is a play that you will want to virtual trade ( my humble opinion)
EPI...Long the Jan '09 22 call and get this, the July has 22.50. So by selling this July we now have a .50 upside with out doing anything. I placed this for a debit of 1.80 lets see if some one on the other side takes it.

I will discuss this more tonight in the webinar for those "inquiring minds"

On a much serious side here. CNN reports of a 67 SS recipient that is living out of her car with her two dogs because of layoffs. I cannot help the entire world, but if I can help a few to understand the world of finance and they in turn show others, maybe we can change things.

Tell a friend about what we do here you wouldn't want them to end up like this lady...

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