Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Now comes stories of Crop Problems

More demand and less plantings makes for a great shortage of grains. If you have not looked, you may want to research DBA. An agri ETF. While my significant other complains about the prices of everything going up (unless you believe the CPI numbers, if you do we need to talk about prime Real Estate I have)

I explain to her that this pain is in reality our gain. More at the market means a very healthy bullish trend to leverage gains on.

Take advantage here. It is not always so easy to know and see and follow a trend.

Seriously here folks.....Stocks are not any higher than 9 years ago.....Real Estate is imploding all around....Bonds are showing great weakness and contrary to what is taught out there, bonds typically follow equities...CD's are at pitiful 1-2%....

As most are watching there retirements drop in value either real or in purchasing power, you are lucky enough to understand and profit from this. Many more will fall behind, but that does not mean you have too. This is a great opportunity. Many new fortunes will come out of this and it may as well be yours.

Tell a friend


Anonymous said...

Hi Dell, I don' have your e-mail address, but I have been listening to the last two webinars. I am a new options trader and have decided the covered calls is the way to go for me. I have had success the last two months. I ran across a stock that looks very good but maybe there are pitfalls that I am not aware of. The stock is HLIT. STO JULY 10 is .55 and the Jan 12.50 BTO is .70 for a net debit of say .15 or.20 cents. At 20 contracts for about $400 risk the STO will bring in $1100 dollars and if assigned the Jan call will back it up.
This looks too good to be true so what am I failing to see. What are the pitfalls. I know I could virtual trade it but I dont want to miss out if it is as good as it looks. Fundamentals of stock are good with Strong Buys and good future earnings in prospect. I usually check these out on I would appreciate your comments. Bob Belton Thanks

Dell said...

The hardest part of any trade is to go with the trend. Sounds simplified, but in reality if you are wrong on the trend nothing else matters. Spotting the long trend should be very easy. It is the ups and downs along the way that kill options traders. Time is always a factor. A factor to your advantage or a factor against you. If you let time be for you, it is great. What most traders think is that they have to catch the home runs to make any money. Well stay here and watch and see that the singles can really add up.
Your stock example is correct. Sorry it is that simple. I wish we had to slave over our protfolios (not really)