Tuesday, August 26, 2008


While we are at the home stretch to the white house vote, let it be clear here that I do not endorse either Republican or Democrat. Both parties in my opinion are socialist. Neither one will make a difference. This past year as we watched the candidates grapple for delegate votes, the feds took more of yours and our freedoms without a vote and without our consent. The treasury and the reserve together set back economics to the dark ages. All on the premise that we as citizens do not know what is best for us and that they know which institutions are too big to fail etc.

If you will recall it was these same individuals that gave out low interest loans that bailed out the economy after the equities blew up. So low that it started the housing bubble. Now that the housing bubble is popped, we are witnessing the commodities bubble. All because of the feds (and now the treasury) pulling levers and tweaking things to make U.S. look prosperous.

Now I get the same old bull jive about better regulations and what all and that it is the evil speculators that caused our problems. I see both candidates making promises that even they know they cannot keep. There was a candidate I preferred that wanted to repeal the reserves act, stop wasteful spending all the things most Americans would agree on, yet he was not even invited to the debates.

So we have the media telling us whom to vote for and we have the elitists in power telling us we know nothing and stop complaining because they are in charge.

What scares me the most is that these are the opportunities for dictators and tyranny. Malcontents springing up etc. We are already pandering to them and look what is happening. Do you seriously think for one moment that either Mcain or Obama or any of their insiders will use a "universal health care"? This will only create a black market. So why do we even entertain this. You see that those in power already are too good to participate in social Security. They have their own federal retirement system.

I am only spouting here because we have allowed this and whenever I see an ad, it does not even cover the real solutions.

Sigh, we get what we deserve in a government. So trade accordingly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think one of the candidates had a restraining order, preventing him to participate in the debates. That's how bad it was.