Sunday, September 14, 2008

Another Sunday

Well Lehman could not get the needed funding. It will file for BK today. Wonder if they had fessed up earlier and got the needed bail out before Bear or would it have mattered not because Bear had better lobbying. No one will know. Just another weekend from a corrupt government.

They even opened for an emergency trading session. Let me explain. You just got screwed again!!! What level playing field??

Will Merrill trade against Goldman, how about Bank of America against JP Morgan?? Not likely. They are all in this game the same. What the emergency trading is really about, is taking out stops that were placed Friday. Forcing you and I as speculators to regret our positions.

Hold on tight because this emergency trading is nothing more than a fleecing. What pensions and IRA's are going to get hit on this one? What banks that are not invited to this special trading will not be able to sell their pie of Lehman?

Glad my positions are where they are. These corrupt guys are not even hiding the stealing.

Glad we have Obama or McCain to save us....get real here folks. Wake up. The real power is showing you right now. We have allowed ourselves to be controlled by institutions we cannot even vote on.

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