Monday, September 8, 2008

THE bailout

Certainly everyone has heard...Is this American free enterprise or is this old school European style socialism?

This was supposed to bring confidence back yadda yadda. What it did was bring up more questions. What do you do with a bankrupt company? Yes, the only reason this is done is because these two are bankrupt. What does this say about the housing industry? What is happening to all of these banks holding these notes as assets now?

We as taxpayers now own 1/2 the U.S. real estate. We all know how good a job the gov does running things. But the big fear that only one I have seen to far reading about addresses, we have just doubled our treasury debt on one weekend. Think you taxes are high now....Forget about Obama or Mccain, concentrate one Paulson and Bernanke.

Buy treasuries? No thank you I like gold please and more quantities please. But make it on the sly, last time this happened it became illegal to own the stuff. So be careful who you tell you are buying. If you are aggressive like we try to be, buy gold companies those seem to avoid the hording un american blame game since they do employ people


Anonymous said...

Hi Dell,
what is your opinion on the "V out" shape for DJ?
I see it, but I don't really believe in it.
I see more trouble because of the nationalization of FRE and FNM.
Thanks, Alex.

Anonymous said...

it's me again.

how could this be possible?

"Fannie-Freddie rescue plan bolsters dollar"

headline from yahoo news.

What is the real connection here?
I thought it would be exactly the opposite.
Throwing money out the window and borrowing even more to do so, would (in my mind) weaken the value of the Dollar.

Dell said...

If you are an overseas investor, this is welcome news. Now your bonds are backed by the full faith of the treasury. So of course you rush to get on board and this forces the dollar up as everyone is seen as buying dollars.

Frankly I would be shocked if a rally didn't occur. After all we just committed 5 trillion into this. It had no choice but to rally.