Monday, February 23, 2009

11 year low

Dow index, S&P index, it is coming unglued.
Normally consumer staples hold up in a recession, not now. Wall Street journal has a good article.
I am not so sure which banks, insurance companies or any financial institutions are immune. I guess the only question is which ones can survive. Not thrive. There are many listed by various analysts that are in dire straits. Just remember the states have "reinsurance" or guaranty agencies for your insurance products. However, you will need to read the policies and notice the "guarantees", because that is all you are getting if the insurance company goes under. I have in the past had people approach me and complain that they got an unfair settlement. Again remember it is the guarantee and not the projected....

These are interesting times. I preach constantly about this happening. I only hope some listen, obviously the majority are not, but then that is why the few make money in the markets.

If you have not made adjustments to your portfolio to the downside, you may need to be patient here for the next "official announcement" to have the market rally and then get in. You may not have this luxury. We could go to S&P 500 like a hot knife through butter. I doubt it, but confidence is not there.

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