Friday, February 13, 2009

You want these guys to take care of you?

Latest news....Only one house or senate politician admits to reading the 1 thousand page pork. Yet they are in session to vote on this right now.

Some one give me these guys their addresses, I have some great Real Estate they can invest in with fantastic terms. Don't worry about reading the contracts they are good as my word.

Anyone that still believes we are not headed for some serious financial woes has their head in the sand.

This market is very hard to trade. Up on a rumor down on a fact, up on another gov bailout only to be crushed by reality.

If you are a fast trader (which I am not) you can be nimble enough to get in and out. If you are more like me, buying options will get you killed with the gyrations.

Take the conservative side and hedge the strategy.


Anonymous said...

They vote along the party line anyway.
It makes no difference if they read the bill or not.
But, don't forget, they all consider themselves patriots.

Anonymous said...

by "hedge the strategy" do you mean to use conservative spreads to make sure you're covered?