Thursday, February 26, 2009

Finally a pencil to this madness

Call me lazy or that I have other things to do, but this new administration is on a collision course Most capitalist have known this all along, but now someone has taken the time to "do the math".

What this means is the middle class that zealously voted this mess in are now going to reap what they sowed. When they finally realize the mess they are in, it will be no hope or change.

So that everyone knows my politics here. I think both parties are corrupt and sell us down the river any chance they get. There so that shows I am not partisan here.

For me to trade off of this, it is very obvious we are heading for very troubling times. This does not bode well for equities or housing or just about anything. If you are the many reading this that have not got your house in order, then you will pay the consequences. This rally we are witnessing the past few days may very well be your last chance to get your house in order. If you do not know how, get some help. But make sure the help you are getting is from those few that understand. If your advisor is from the company line you are going to get hammered big time (if you have not already)

Best of luck to everyone. So far this year has been pretty good.

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